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Bigger Leaner Stronger Pdf Scribd

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Bigger Leaner Stronger Pdf Scribd

bigger leaner stronger scribd

then you want to read this book Here's the deal: Getting into awesome shape isn't nearly as complicated as the fitness industry wants you to believe.. If you want to be muscular, lean, and strong as quickly as possible without steroids, good genetics, or wasting ridiculous amounts of time in the gym and money on supplements.. I'm pretty sure muscles lack cognitive abilities, but this approach is a good way to just confuse you instead.

bigger leaner stronger scribd

You don't need to burn through buckets of protein powder every month, stuffing down enough protein each day to feed a third world village.. You don't need to constantly change up your exercise routines to 'confuse' your muscles.. You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars per month on the worthless supplements that steroid freaks shill in advertisements. 2

You don't need to toil away in the gym for a couple of hours per day, doing tons of sets, supersets, drop sets, giant sets, etc. HERE